12b - ODE Example#
CO2 concentration in a Terrarium from balance equations
Derivative of CO2 with respect to time:
\frac{dCO2}{dt} = D\cdot(C^{out}_{CO2} - CO2) + V_{soil}b - dLA\cdot C_{CO2}
#import packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
# set constants
D = 1
CCO2out = 400 #outside ppm of CO2
Vsoil = 0.03 #volume of soil
b = 20 #rate of CO2 production from the soil
d = 0.1 #rate of photosythesis
L = 100 #lux level of light
A = 0.2 #surface area of plant mater photosythesisizing
#define your derivative
def derivative(CO2, time):
diff = D*(CCO2out - CO2)
gen = Vsoil*b
cons = d*CO2*L*A
return diff + gen - cons
time = np.linspace(0,10,1000)
sol = odeint(derivative,40000,time)
plt.xlabel('time'); plt.ylabel('CO2')
Text(0, 0.5, 'CO2')