
There are several pieces of equipment you can use for the case studies including:

  • ESP32 Microcontroller or equivalent

  • MAX6675 Thermocouple Amplifier

  • K-Type Thermocouple

  • Temperature Control Lab

  • Test tube and plunger

  • 3D Printer (available in the experiential learning centers in the library or the prototyping lab on the 1st floor of the engineering building)

  • Graduated Cylinder

ESP32 Microcontroller with MAX6675 Thermocouple Amplifier and K-Type Thermocouple#

The ESP32 Microcontroller with MAX6675 Thermocouple Amplifier and K-Type Thermocouple makes it possible for you to collect temperature data from a thermocouple and send it to a computer or phone via bluetooth classic. The ESP32 is a microcontroller that can be programmed with the Arduino IDE. The MAX6675 is a thermocouple amplifier that can be used to read the voltage from a thermocouple and convert it to a temperature.