Practice Problems#
Your homework, work that you do on your own, is important to practice using the tools you’ll use throughout your future chemical engineering courses.
Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date.
Submit your homework on as a pdf (with the file of interest successfully executed).
You can use tools on the internet to help you.
Please don’t copy and paste code but type it out. You’ll learn more that way.
Please work together but remember that you’re responsible for your own work and that you need to do that work. BYU’s academic honesty policy is applicable.
- HW01: Introduction to Python
- HW02: Arrays
- HW03: Practice Programming Loops
- HW04: Functions and Objects
- HW05: More Functions and Objects
- HW06: Debugging and Documentation
- HW07: Units
- HW08: Solve Equations
- HW09: Additional Equation Solving Practice
- HW10: Newton’s Method Practice
- HW11: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
- HW12: More Solving of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
- HW13: Regression and Interpolation
- HW14: Interpolation and Models
- HW15: Excel Introduction