Stewardship and Safety in Jesus Christ#
Review the Introduction and the content pages of Learning Suite including the course syllabus. This course is designed treats the importance of stewardship and safety in Jesus Christ.
Instructor and TA Info#
See Learning Suite
Course Materials#
Learning Suite,
Please be patient, Learning Suite will be updated throughout the semester
This Course GitHub Website,
Please be patient, this website will be updated throughout the semester
Chemical Process Safety by Daniel Crowl and Joseph Louvar, Fourth Edition, (for in-class quizzes)
Your unique ID is your first name, first letter of your last name and last two digits of your phone number (e.g. clintg12)
Other material given to you
Work Expectations#
Lectures (3x’s per week),
Quizzes (In class, 3x’s per week based on the reading material),
Classwork (In class, 0-2x’s per week),
Reading material (prior to each class,)
Homework (1-2x per week),
Mid-term Exams (2-3 this semester),
Final Exam
Book review,
Safety or Ethics Evaluation (analysis, newspaper article and presentation)
Class Organizations#
In Class Groups (3-4 students, set by instructor)
Project Groups (3-4 students, your choice)
Course Grades#
Quizzes (10%)
4 lowest scores dropped
Classwork (10%)
Homework (15%)
Exams (50%)
Midterms (30%)
Final (20%)
Projects (15%)
Book Review (5%)
Safety or Ethics Evaluation (10%)
Several Group Introductions#
Wheel of names
Where everyone is from
What your group looks forward to in this course
Chemical Engineering Career Outlook#
Hopefully from the above you can see that BYU chemical engineers are unique and in demand. The skills you will learn in this class will help you to be successful in your career.
Current Worldwide Problems in Engineering#
Chemical Engineers are poised to help in each of these areas:
energy demands are growing
We need to use fossil fuels more efficiently and capture more of the biproducts
Fry, Memmott, Baxter, Rappleye, Wheeler, and Lignell
Chemical Production
We can continue to
improve chemical production
processesArgyle, Hedengren, Knotts, Nickerson, Seo, Tree, Wilding
We need to
health care delivery and careBundy, Pitt, and Lewis
We need to improve water treatment, distribution, and conservation.
Transportation - How do we better move people and goods around the world?
Environment - How do we efficiently continue improving our environment?
Plastics production and waste handling and reuse needs improvement.
Security - How do we continue to adapt and peacefully protect people from threats?
Exploration, Food, and more…
You are the engineers that will work to improve societies’ and individuals’ quality of life around the world. Importantly, you can also help gather Israel and prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Reading Assignment#
Read the below documents.
See Learning Suite for the Engineering Ethics 2024 document